
- E2G is an advanced biofuel produced from lignocellulosic biomass;
- Biomass residues from processed sugarcane in the Bioenergy Parks are used to produce E2G;
- Raízen’s E2G is made from sugarcane bagasse and straw (waste from the production of E1G and Sugar);
- Our proprietary technology enables the utilization of sugarcane residues to enhance our ethanol production by 50%;
- This advancement emerges as a solution for sectors that face challenges in decarbonization, offering a sustainable alternative for their energy needs.

Competitive Advantages
- Full control of feedstock;
- Pricing fundamentals & growing demand;
- Advanced process technology fully integrated with our Bioenergy Parks, leveraging on synergies;
- In the long term, with all the bioparks operating, the expected EBITDA is EUR 1.0 billion (2030);
- Cash Cost between € 400/cbm and € 450/cbm;
- EBITDA Margin at 50%.

Pricing fundamentals &
Growing Demand
- Over 4.3 billion cbm contracted, representing € 4.3 billion;
- Long term contracts (5 to 8 years) in hard currency (€);
- Contracts average price at € 1,000/ cbm;
- Clients are AAA Major oil Companies.
Circular Economy

The Journey

Raizen’s long-term investments and know-how…
- 15 years of technology development and over € 100 million invested;
- Competitive advantages resulting from being the pioneer and the world’s only player with commercial scale.

…led to the development of a unique solution…
- Leading proprietary technology:
other players are able to access the technology only via strategic partnerships; - Patents covering most of the production process, especially the pre-treatment stage (the most critical stage due to the specifications required and equipment used, and one of Raízen’s key factors of differentiation);
- Most players failed in stabilizing biomass pre-treatment.

…that became stable and scalable
- Traditional equipment is maintained: a proven E16 protocol;
- One single long stop per year (1 month) and maintenance linearity vs. E1G (3-4 months of stoppages);
- Predictive maintenance critical replacement parts policy.

Production Process

A High Value Product

CO2 reduction vs
fossil fuels

CO2 reduction
vs E1G
Lifecycle Emission of Greenhouse Gas
As of Sep/22 (gCO2e/MJ)
Liquid Biofuel Production (bn liters)
Estimated Number of Operational Plants by Year End
(# Units)
Production Capacity by Crop Year
('000 cbm)
Project Status
#1 Costa Pinto
Begin: -
End: -
#2 Bonfim
Begin: 2021
End: 24'25
#3 Barra
Begin: 2022
End: 24'25
#4 Univalem
Begin: 2022
End: 24'25
#5 Vale do Rosário
Begin: 2023
End: 25'26
#6 Gasa
Begin: 2023
End: 25'26
#7 Carapó
Begin: 2024
End: 26'27
#8 Tarumã
Begin: 2024
End: 26'27

Notice to the Market
Commercialization of E2G with a minimum revenue of EUR 3.3 billion and an investment program in 5 new plants
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